Fifeshire Foundation Grant outcomes October 2021

At Fifeshire Foundation Trustees Oct 2021 board meeting, the Trustees were delighted to approve the following funding grants. With the aim to help relieve hardship, Fifeshire Foundation approved grants helping 19 Families in Nelson Tasman, granting $20 756.72 in funding for

• Food

• Dental costs (over $10000)

• Baby car seats and children boosters

• Phone and Top up

• Water Purifier

• Fridge Freezer

• Firewood

• Bike

• Bed

• Skip

• Health costs

• Hearing aids and Glasses

• Clothing and Foot ware

• miscellaneous items to help relieve hardship

We want to thank all our generous donors who make it possible for us to provide this assistance to those in our community who are vulnerable right now. Particularly some very generous donations. As well as all our normal regular contributors and sponsors, whom without we couldn't continue to bring some slight relief to those in our community most in need. And including the continued support for our operational cost sponsors NBS, NZ King Salmon and a private family Trust

Pic - Trustee Rob Grant, with Ricky and Liam Hutton from Pump & Filters Nelson a local business. Thank you for kindly donating water filter and cooler for one of this months grant applicants. The applicant is so very appreciative, as this will benefit their son with a health condition requiring this.

Shanine Hermsen