Donor gratitude - Annie Currie Legacy Fund

Annie Currie Legacy donation – we are very grateful for the donation of $10,000 we received towards education grants. This aligns well with our Trust Deed section d): Financial assistance towards education for those in need.  


We are grateful to be able to use this grant towards education support through our funding applications. So far we have been able to allocate funding towards a laptop for a mother from a local family to commence study which would not have been possible without this grant. We’ve also assisted a young student who’s family couldn’t afford a new device for her schooling. The laptop she was using was very old and slowing down her work, this assistance has allowed her to keep up to speed with her studies alongside her sporting achievements.

A bit about Annie:

Annie grew up in Dunedin and later moved to Nelson to Tutor Nursing at the Polytech. While in Nelson Annie committed herself to personal development and continually strove to grow and expand her mind throughout her life and was persuasive in encouraging others do the same. She especially saw the need to help young woman improve themselves and to break through barriers and traumas that their upbringing may have put them through.  


Working as a psychotherapist for many years she helped people from all walks of life with counselling and personal and professional development courses.  


She was a deeply creative person, her joy was in the doing and the being, and in seeing delight in others. Her paintings are full of light and whimsy, her pottery unique and quirky.  


She willed that her resources be left to helping young woman to educate themselves. For recipients, Annie would say, “Use it well.” “Keep on doing your good work and keep developing yourself.”

We think Annie is pretty cool and are grateful for the legacy she leaves behind to support education. Nga mihi Annie!